The US Constitution, Article 4, section 4 guarantees to every
inhabitant a REPUBLIC form
of government. Only a subversive would want to live in a democracy.
In a democracy, a majority votes to force their will on others.
Christians will not exercise dominion over others. Christians will
not covet their neighbors' goods. Christians will not plunder the
In a republic, everyone has rights. Your Constitution guaranteed
a republic form of government. The republic doesn't exist anymore.
In a democracy, the misguided mobocracy forces their will on the
minority. Democracy is part of the Beast system. Socialists cannot
use a Republic, which is free from things public.
The word "democracy" does not appear anywhere in your U.S. Constitution
because you are not a democracy. Democracy has no place in America.
Thomas Jefferson said "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule,
where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of
the other forty-nine."
Alexander Hamilton:
"We are a Republic. Real Liberty is never found in despotism or
in the extremes of Democracy."
1st Samuel 15:24 And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for
I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD, and thy words:
because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.
James Madison, 1787, Federalist Paper #10:
"Democracy is the most vile form of government ... democracies
have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention: have
ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights
of property: and have in general been as short in their lives
as they have been violent in their deaths."
Fisher Ames, author of the words of the First Amendment:
"A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials
of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry
desolation in their way."
John Adams, 1815:
"Democracy ... while it lasts is more bloody than either
[aristocracy or monarchy]. Remember, democracy never lasts long.
It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There is never
a democracy that did not commit suicide."
John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court:
"Between a balanced Republic and a democracy, the difference
is like that between order and chaos."
Dr. Jedediah Morse, one of the authors of your Bill of Rights:
A simple democracy is the devil's own government."
"But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that
they should ask Barabbaas, and destroy Jesus." Matt 27:20.
Pilate said publicly that he found no fault in Christ (Luke 23:4
& 14). Pilate publicly washed his hands to show that he had no jurisdiction,
"saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: se ye to
it" (Matt 27:24) but the mob forced him to execute Christ. Pilate
liked Christ Jesus and wanted to release him (Luke 23:20), but that
did not matter; he did not dare act contrary to the will of the
vast majority. That's right! Voters, by a voice vote, determined
that Christ should be executed.
Unreasoning mobs do not have authority. The root word of authority
is author. The Lord is our lawgiver (Isaiah 33:22, James 4:12).
Nowhere in scripture is authority given to civil governments to
legislate their own laws. Scripture prohibits us from legislating,
Deuteronomy 4:2.
We get the word republic from the shortened Latin idiom Libera
Res Publica, which means free from things public.
Bouvier's 1870 Law Dictionary, Vol 1, page 13: "The term republic,
res publica, signifies the state independently of its form of government."
The sovereign people are independent of the administrating governments
you can now understand Acts 22:27,29: "Then the chief captain came,
and said unto him, Tell me, art thou a Roman? He said, Yea. And
the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom.
And Paul said, But I was free born. Then straightway they departed
from him which should have examined him: and the chief captain also
was afraid, after he knew that he was a Roman, and because he had
bound him." A Roman officer cannot bind (arrest) a Roman citizen.
Again: freemen are free from civil authority.
As further proof that a democracy is prohibited, consider the
legal maxim: "The multitude of those who err is no protection for
In a democracy, which we have had since 1933, you can vote to
plunder others and demand benefits. You too can exercise your democratic
rights to persecute others. But, you must pay your fair share.
You have a right to create any kind of political system, just
like those who voted for Saul to be King. But, this time, you delegated
to your servants a power to create a host of gods/saviors/benefactors
to provide for you, protect you and lord over you. Isn't this the
essence of creating false images of god to be worshiped? Isn't this
the essence of denying the Lordship of Christ?
- · "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" [gods = Hebrew
'elohiym, which is elsewhere translated as judges or magistrates].
First Commandment.
- "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them..."
Second Commandment.
- "Choose this day whom you shall serve." Josh 24:15.
Every registered voter has agreed to abide by the outcome of
the election, even if he finds it abhorrent. Governments' derive
their powers from the consent of the governed. You have consented
to be governed. Those who participate in elections, ever since Saul
was elected as King, have consented to the results of the vote.
So you've agreed, by registering to vote, that any misguided majority
determines your moral values. Your property will be taxed to fund
vile abominations. Even the Supreme Court said: "The citizen cannot
complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a
form of government." Registered voters consent to be taxed. Conversely,
there would be no taxation without representation. Memorize this
legal maxim: "He who consents to an act is not damaged by it." Did
your government school teach this?
This is evil in the eyes of the Lord, I Sam 12:17. If God is
an unchanging God (Mal 3:6, Heb 13:8, Heb 6:7, Num 23:19, 1st Sam
15:29) then I might suggest that it is still evil to elect someone
to rule over you. You should also read 1st Samuel 8:5-19.
Have you violated the Commandments against theft, and taking
the Lord's authority in vain, and worshiping other gods?
Christ said in John 17:11-15, and John 15:19-20 that we are to
be in the world but not of it. The Christian must not be of the
worldly society. [a classic argument for Christians to not participate
in society is Leo Tolstoy's
What I Believe published
in Russia in 1884.]
When Saul was elected as King, the system of patriarchal (family)
government was rejected, and the idea of centralized government
was embraced. This rejected the form of government used in the first
10 books of the Bible, asking for a king while the Lord was already
your King (1st Sam 12:12). You are now suffering the end results.
Another Example: If you are a registered voter, and an election
passed a bond issue, then you agreed to have a lien on your property
until the bond is paid, even if you didn't vote. Would a Bible believer
do such a thing? [Hint: Don't be surety for strangers (Prov. 6:1,
11:15). Don't be surety for debts (Prov. 22:26) Do not put up collateral.
Do not consent to be liened. (Prov 11:15 Prov 17:18).]
Another Example:
`Conflict of interest' is legal terminology for those who can influence
a government decision to enrich themselves. This is not limited
to Elected Officials or civil servants. Social Security partakers
are, by voting, also influencing government to receive their check.
Anyone who receives a government check, be it a paycheck or an entitlement
check has a conflict of interest that prohibits them from voting.
Voting becomes, for them, a government granted privilege that can
be revoked at any time. On the other hand, Government's sovereign
masters have a right to control their servants. Read your state
constitution and notice the difference between the term "registered
voters" and the term "qualified voters" sometimes called "electors".
Read my Appendix D and find out the government definition of "Person".
A right cannot be regulated. If you think you still have a right
to vote, just try to exercise your unregulated right and see what
happens. By the way even Voter registrations cannot demand a social
security number according to Meyer v. Putnam 526P.2d 139 and Greidinger
v. Davis 988 F2d 1344.
You are no longer in a Republic. Prove it to yourself. Ask yourself
some questions: Do you have all the rights that a sovereign has
(see Appendix D)? Can a majority of Congressmen, and a judge now
conspire to take all your rights from you? Can a city government
prohibit you from owning a dog unless you first beg for permission
and pay a fee? If you insist that you have a right to own a dog,
and refuse to register it, can they kill the dog and fine you? America
is still a great country, even if we are no longer free. Be grateful
that you still have a right to refuse to register with Caesar, and
not end up like an unregistered dog.
Exodus 23:2 Thou shalt not
follow a multitude to do evil
For further information read:
Republic v. Democracy,
by Gregory Williams, PO Box 10, Summer Lake, Oregon
The History of American
Constitutional or Common Law, ISBN 1-57282-010-1, The Message
Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1-505-474-0998.