Happy Birthday, Robert E. Lee
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King Jr?

Did you know that a famous Confederate general was born on this date in 1807? Yes, you heard right -- GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE was born in Virginia on January 19th, 1807!
While our media is busy honoring a civil rights figure of dubious political, ethical, and moral character, they are ignoring a truly great American hero!
For those who still persist in thinking that the American war of 1861-1865 was a "civil" war fought over slavery and the preservation of the union, General Lee stands as a shining example of the truth. Robert E. Lee was an emancipationist who freed his own slaves long before the war began. I'll bet some of you didn't know that either. In fact, before the war he said that he would free every slave in the South if it would prevent war. He knew however that it would not have. For him, and every other Southern lady and gentleman it was not a civil war, but a war for Southern independence!
Contrast him with William T. Sherman, the general who marched through Atlanta leaving a trail of civilian death and destruction, who wrote on July 10, 1860: "Two such races [white and black] cannot live in harmony save as master and slave." I'll bet you never read that in your public school history textbooks. Don't feel bad, I didn't know either until relatively recently.
There is a great deal of American history that has remained buried and hidden from the awareness of the general public. This past year I had the opportunity to read a rather remarkable book entitled "The South Was Right!" by James R. and Walter D. Kennedy (Pelican Publishing Company, 1994, Gretna, LA). This book displays amazing scholarship and documents the truth of the Confederate States of America's War for Southern Independence. This book tells the story (through letters, diaries, and newspaper articles) of the courage, the fortitude, and the tragedy of a people and a government that lived and died in a struggle for freedom.
Very few people in our nation today realize that the Confederate States of American was, for a brief time, a nation. For a civil war to occur, you must have two opposing factions (social, political, racial, etc.) within one country. However a struggle between two countries cannot be called a civil war. Even the title "War Between the States" is not an accurate description because the states that seceded from the union banded together and formed a new government in the same way our nation established itself originally in 1776.
Did you know that the Confederate States of America had their own Constitution? It was very similar to our original constitution except that extra care was taken to seal up the gaps in the armor through which the arrows of tyranny were shot that led us into that war to begin with! Our original U.S. Constitution does not mention God directly, but the Confederate Constitution did. It incorporated the principles of the Bill of Rights within the main body of the text; no amendments were needed. It showed the origin of our "unalienable rights" as being from our Creator - as a birthright.
Robert E. Lee understood that anything granted by a government can be withdrawn by that same government, but anything given to us by our Creator cannot be taken by government because it precedes and supersedes government. Please don't forget that the purpose of our Constitution was not to grant rights, but to identify and guarantee them. Lee and many others in the South recognized that the Northern States were violating the Constitution. By the way, the political landscape was a little different 140 years ago. It was the Republicans in the North who were most often violating the Constitution and the Democrats in the South who were on the defensive. Sounds strange doesn't it?
For many years, Southern Congressmen and Senators tried every diplomatic solution available to them within the framework of the Constitution to resolve the conflict. The central government, under the control of the Northern States, had become corrupt and ruinous to the freedoms it was supposed to protect, and had even placed trade embargoes on the Southern States as if they were a foreign power. A military solution was the only option left after all Constitutional remedies had been exhausted.
It is important to recognize that the Confederate States of America was the only nation in the history of mankind to live and die a Republic. This nation began as a Republic, but we are quickly sliding down the path to socialism and tyranny.
General Lee did not want secession, but when he realized that no other option was left, he said: "I will still follow my native state with my sword, and if need be with my life... These are my principles, and I must follow them." When Lee resigned his commission in the United States Army to join the Confederacy, he said: "I cannot take up arms against my own state. A union that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets... has no charm for me."
General Lee was a true role model; the likes of which is rarely seen today. He was imbued with wisdom, high moral character, an unfailing sense of duty, true manhood and a heroic nobleness that inspired steadfast loyalty among the troops of the Army of Northern Virginia. During the war, he ate what his troops ate, and often slept on the cold ground even when a house and bed was available. When his officers complained, he said: "Why should a general live better than a soldier in the ranks?"
Even in defeat, his faith never wavered. In a letter to his wife after the battle of Gettysburg, he wrote: "I trust that a merciful God, our only hope and refuge, will not desert us in this hour of need, and will deliver us by His almighty hand, that the whole world may recognize His power and all hearts be lifted up in adoration and praise of His unbounded lovingkindness. We must, however, submit to His almighty will, whatever that may be." Such was the character and conviction of General Robert E. Lee.
Contrast this man with the plastic icon that our society has chosen for January 19th. It is the day that Congress has set aside as a national holiday to celebrate the birthday of MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. - a thoroughly despicable hypocrite, a violent and immoral degenerate, a worthless charlatan, and a Marxist.
Lest anyone attempt to level the charge of RACISM against me, let me point out that the preceding description contained no reference to race. That is because it wasn't his race that made him despicable, it was his behavior.
I also did not include the title of "Dr." because he plagiarized his way through Boston University and Crozer Theological Seminary. This documented and verifiable fact was revealed by none other than those who were closest to him. David J. Garrow (a leftist academic who was sympathetic to King) said that King's wife, Coretta Scott King, who also served as his secretary, was an accomplice in King's repeated cheating. The four senior editors of "The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr." (an official publication of the M.L. King Center for Nonviolent Social Change Inc.) stated that King's writings at both the university and the seminary were "Tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism." Most of King's papers, speeches, and "sermons" were copied word for word from the works of Dr. Jack Boozer, Edgar S. Brightman, and Paul Tillich.
The good "Reverend" King was also a dedicated Marxist and Communist. King was intimately involved in several Communist front groups including the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee founded by Myles Horton and Don Westboth members of the Communist Party U.S.A. The agenda of many of these meetings was to plan tours of the Southern states to initiate demonstrations and riots.
King went on to found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). This organization was staffed and funded by other Communist individuals and front groups. According to the FBI, many of Kings "nonviolent" marches were in reality carefully crafted public image appearances that were usually accompanied by the violent demonstrations of his followers. The FBI also uncovered King's habit of using SCLC money to hire prostitutes to keep him entertained during the civil rights tours. According to witness working in local hospitals, many of these prostitutes would end up in the emergency room after being physically abused by King.
J. Edgar Hoover tried to warn the President and Congress by making all files available to them. The FBI files were also made available to all the major electronic and print media. The rest is history. A federal judge sealed the files until the year 2027, the President and the media said nothing, and the charade continued.
The last night Martin Luther King spent on earth was at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis having sex with two prostitutes and physically beating a third. Retired FBI Assistant Director William C. Sullivan describes himself as a liberal and said that he was initially "One hundred percent for King..." until he learned the truth during the investigation. After having "seen it all" during his 30 years with the FBI, Sullivan said that King was one of only seven people he had ever encountered who was such a total degenerate.
My friends, we have a choice between two historically significant American figures. We should celebrate somebody's birthday.  Robert E. Lee or Martin Luther King. Which one will you choose?

By Carmeron L. Horne

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