Disadvantages of Being
                     a 14th Amendment Slave:


                        Richard McDonald

People always  ask "what  are the  advantages of  being  a  State

Seems like  a rather  stupid question;  it's like asking, "Why is
it so bad to be ruled by a slave master and be a slave?"

Here's a  list of  things to  consider for  14th amendment slaves
(with a  Socialism Servitude  number).  You don't have to believe
this;   you can  do a  little studying  and find out for yourself
that it is correct.

If you  don't understand  why State  Citizens are above all this,
you need to study.

[the order  of paragraphs  has no  meaning;  "14th"  means  "14th
amendment person/slave", "S.C." means "State Citizen"]

*    14th's are  a CRIMINALS under their rules.  There are now so
many "codes"  that   every 14th  must be  guilty of breaking some
code.   Every week  they make  up  more    and  more,  there  are
thousands and  thousands of  "codes" now  written   (codes=codes,
laws=laws).   That gives  them authority  to come in and take you
away.   For a  S.C. to be a criminal, there must be a victim.  No
victim, no  crime.  Whenever a "code" has been broken, try to get
a verified  complaint  (showing a injured party) from your court,
just try  it and  watch them get  upset at you.  Yes, S.C.'s have
laws, they  are not  "lawless", but  there must  be justice and a
victim (think of how things were 60 years ago).

*    14th's are  great for  "revenue".   They are  so stupid that
they pay up anytime  their master says "pay".  If a 14th gets put
in the  slammer, you hear a cash  register ring in the back room,
the Feds  pay for every 14th that's in jail.  Unless you pay them
the other  way "go  see the cashier and pay the fine", again  you
hear the  cash register  ring.  Either way, they get their money.
Business  has been really good.

*    14th's may  not get a jury trial.  They say 14th's don't get
one for  "infractions".   S.C.'s get  a jury  trial any time they
want one, it's a Right.

*    14th's rights  are GRANTED  to them  by Congress.   For this
wonderful privilege  that their  master gives  them, they now owe
their master  something in  return.   14th's always  claim  their
"Constitutional rights",  but how  is it that a  document that is
the control  on government  gives anyone  rights?  Can the master
take them  away  or  modify  them  at  any  time?    S.C.'s  have
inalienable Rights,   they can't be taken away, there's no charge
for this,  and it's yours by birth  (do you like having something
that was yours SOLD BACK to you for a fee?  There  goes that cash
register again!).

*    14th's status  is the same as someone who holds a Green Card
(a "resident  alien").

*    The master  TOTALLY owns  the 14th  (your body is property),
their personal property, and their children.  They can (and have)
take their  liberty away  and anything  they  [think  they]  own,
without going  to court  (yes, they  sometimes go  to  their  own
court, it  looks official  doesn't it?).  The property is theirs,
so why not take it?

*    14th's have  no privacy.  The [IRS] Internal (hint: internal
to the  10 miles  square  called  D.C.  and  its  citizens/slaves
wherever they  are in  the world)   Revenue  (hint: cash register
ringing) Service  (yeah right,  bend over and be  serviced) needs
to keep  track of their slaves, and wants to know how much wealth
they have  accumulated for  them.   They know exactly where their
money is  kept (bank accounts via Socialism Slave number) and how
much. When they want it, they will come and get it.

*    14th's can  be transferred to and under another master.  How
about the  U.N.?   They have  a new  set of  rights to "grant" to
14th's, all  printed up  and ready  to go.  One of the very first
"rights" say  that 14th's  have no  right to have a weapon, total
disarmament.   That way  a 14th  can't threaten  the security  of
their wonderful  master (read  some of the stuff Thomas Jefferson
wrote about this and government tyranny).

*    14th's have  no access  to common  law.   In California they
made up  a "substitute"  State Constitution for the 14th's.  They
have amended  this thing  so many times no one knows what control
the  "people"   [slaves?]  have   over  the    "government",  the
"government" just votes itself new powers whenever it feels  like
it.  S.C.'s use the original and properly put in place common law
version to  put the  "government" in  its place,  14th's are  not
allowed to  have "law"  access to that document.  (California was
never re-admitted to the Union of the several States, was it?)

*    Almost everything  a 14th  does in  a State is illegal (they
are foreigners).   Thus,  they need a "license" (permission to do
something that  would normally be illegal) for almost everything.
Do you  hear the  cash register  ringing to grant these wonderful

*    14th's must  get permission  to operate  a  car,  especially
since their  car is   owned by the "government" (the State govt).
They do grant permission to  transfer it, and to operate it (pink
slip, only after the cash register rings).

*    14th's are  UNDER the  government, they don't have to listen
to their  slaves.   They should  be courteous to them, don't want
them to  get mad  and escape.  But, mostly they just listen, hang
up and  then go  back to  what they  were  doing  (probably  busy
ringing their own personal cash register).

*    14th's have no recourse in the common law courts.  There are
no  immunities   to  common   law,  ever  wonder  why  government
"representatives" get  away with so  much?  They know 14th's have
no way  to do  anything to  them because  14th's are  under them.
How can you possibly take someone into a court that they own?  Go
ahead, ask  your local  "Muni" court  "judge" if  he is under the
People of  your   State, watch him squirm and be very quiet (when
it's on  the record).  If he's a  14th, then he's a alien and can
not represent the People, can he?

*    A 14th's  master has  power of  attorney for his slaves (the
ability to  sign   things and  run your affairs for you).  14th's
have signed  so many  contracts, and  since the  master  has  the
ability to  sign for them, a 14th has no idea how  many things he
has (or  the master has) signed up for.  Why can't they just sign
a death warrant for you that says "I want to die today", and then
just do it for you?

*    14th's have no inalienable Rights (rights granted by GOD and
cannot be  taken   away).   Doesn't that bother you no end?  They
can scream  "I want my rights" all they want, if the slave master
doesn't want  to give them out one day, then  that's it (don't be
fooled, they  tell you that you have rights, but just try  to get
them when you go before their cash register/court).

*    14th's pay taxes on whatever the master wants, regardless of
"representation".   When  you  LABOR,  you  receive  PROPERTY  in
exchange.   A "S.C."  doesn't pay  taxes on  his  property,  only
LAWFUL taxes  that are  voluntary and   properly represented.  No
one can  tax property  without permission  (via a contract) [hear
the cash register ring again?].

*    14th's don't understand the HISTORY of AMERICA. If they did,
they would not be 14th.

*    14th's think  "U.S." is  the same thing as "U.S.A.", too bad
for them.  I see a  extra character there, don't you?

*    14th's are  SECOND CLASS  citizens.   Who would  want to  be

There are  lots more,  but this  is good  enough (except  for the
extremely hard-headed).

Get to  the ROOT of the problem:  most of the population is under
Voluntary   Servitude.   This is what's wrong.  Don't worry about
what they  are feeding  you   on television;  they own  that too.
Most of  what you  hear on television is for 14th's.  Maybe  they
should call it "Slave Television"

If you  don't claim  your right as a State Citizen (that you were
when you  were   born, before  you entered  into a  really stupid
contract), you  will not  be able   to change things or help your
fellow Americans  at all.   This  is the root of the problem, you
must start here, then you can make changes that stick.

Don't get  stuck on  one little  issue and then just say it's all
wrong.   This   stuff is buried very deep in "poo poo" and "mumbo
jumbo" that  you may  never find  the truth.    Always  think  to
yourself, "Is  there another way so that I don't  have to give up
my Rights to do this or do that?"

You can just sit on your butt and figure that whenever you get in
trouble,   then you  will "change back", but by then you are deep
into their  "venue" or  "jurisdiction".  You made the wrong moves
because you  were too  lazy to study a  bit and learn what to do.
It's really not that hard.  Many people have spent  many hours in
jail  and   in  court   trying  to   get  out  from  under  their
jurisdiction, it's the stupid and wasteful way to go.

People always get messed up about all this, they think they can't
contract   anymore if  they are  a  State  Citizen.    But  State
Citizens have  the UNLIMITED   RIGHT  TO CONTRACT,  but they have
enough  education   to  know   how  to  keep  themselves  out  of
"Servitude".  It's not hard, but you do have to learn.  How  many
contracts do  you have now, do you have any idea?  State Citizens

Our government  has one  purpose, to  protect OUR  Rights.   That
really doesn't  take much when you think about it.  They will not
"fall apart" because of this, they did just fine before they made
slaves of everyone.  They will just have to obey the rules again,
and be ACCOUNTABLE TO THE PEOPLE (State Citizens).

This is  America, home  of the  FREE.   If you are scared of your
government, or   feel  like communism has set in (they don't tell
you everything on TV etc.), then it's all because you are a SLAVE
under them.  You should not fear them, they should fear YOU.

What does it take to get your State Citizenship back?

Some education  that you never got in school.  Reading, research,
and seeking   sources  of this  sort of  information.   They  are
available widely, you just need  to seek it out.  No one is going
to just  plop it  into your lap, it's time to  become responsible
for yourself.   Mommy [slave master, govt] is not around to  help
you anymore.

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