The IRS Tax Protester Handbook is a training handbook for IRS agents.  It is stamped  "For Official Use Only" in portions and is intended for internal circulation within the IRS only.  It lists the various types of tax protester arguments and approaches, legal and court case references, impacts on the IRS, and the actions officially recommended to take against each type of tax protester group. Note that it does NOT label the 26 U.S.C. Sec. 861/source issues or the legality of those issues, because the IRS knows they don't have a leg to stand on with that issue.  This book is an invaluable learning tool for the budding tax freedom fighter.  You can download the document by RIGHT clicking below, selecting "Save Target As", and saving the file to your local hard drive, after which you can open it locally:


You can download the document by RIGHT clicking below, selecting "Save Target As" and saving the manual to your hard disk and then opening it locally:  The local server is a low bandwidth (<1 Mbyte/sec) and very busy website so PLEASE(!) be a good network citizen by both using the FAST MIRROR SITE and  saving your copy of the file on your local hard drive as indicated above, rather than left-clicking directly on the file, as this needlessly hogs precious bandwidth on this server that other people need in order to access this document and other parts of the site.

Our sincere thanks go to our volunteers for offering server space for our Fast Mirror Site!



NOTE:  You will need to download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or higher from the Adobe website at in order to view the document.   We recommend that you also click on the "Bookmarks" button in the left portion of your screen in order to simplify navigating around in this large (117 pages) document.

This book was provided courtesy of Freedom Lawschool (thanks Peymon!):

Below is an outline of the content of this extremely valuable piece of intelligence:

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Constitutional Arguments
  3. Other Arguments
  4. Trusts
  5. Returns and Claims
  6. Tactics
  7. Procedures
  8. Fraud Referrals and Criminal Investigation
  9. Safety and Security
  10. Education Outreach
  11. Appendix

Copyright Family Guardian Fellowship

Last revision: December 01, 2010 08:07 PM

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